Monday, May 7, 2007

Unit8 Preview

I'm looking foreward to learning about the Vietnam war. I know that it is one of the most contreversial wars of all times but I'm not quite sure why. I hope that my questions will be answered by the end of this unit.

Yours truly,
Jack Ladd...Booyakasha!


Jeff Ur Son said...

oooooooooooh spicy

Jeff Ur Son said...

Good observation

Jeff Ur Son said...

You should have a TV show

Jeff Ur Son said...

You are a god among men!

MichaelTa_USM said...

Wow Jack...

Jeff Ur Son said...

Ahhhh true beauty such as this is rare these days.

Jeff Ur Son said...

The depth of your work is deeper than the deepest ocean.

Jeff Ur Son said...

This paragraph shines with the the intensity of a thousand suns!

Jeff Ur Son said...

That was oober good

Jeff Ur Son said...

Your paragraph brought my wife out of depression.

Jeff Ur Son said...

Your words make me want to weep.

Jeff Ur Son said...

Your words have opened my eyes.

Jeff Ur Son said...

The flow of your words soothe my soul.

Jeff Ur Son said...

Will you marry me?

Jeff Ur Son said...

Your dialogue will lead to world peace

Jeff Ur Son said...

If only you could live forever and fill our hearts with your words